I am sick to the back teeth with MPs and those who believe that they are entitled to money. In practice there is little difference between the two groups except that the MPs have marginally better dress sense.
I have today heard one MP (Bill Etherington somewhere in Sunderland) try and justify the purchase of a razor on expenses. A razor is not essential to the correct performance of his duties as an MP and which world is he living in if he thinks that the public would think otherwise. We have Shahid Malik trying to justify the purchase of a Plasma TV at the public expense and other MPs claiming curtains, cushions etc. The other issue is that they never go to Primark to buy these things and the public never get the benefit of their largesse.
Until this country gets away from responding to people who start sentences with "Worrit is right..." with large sums of money from the public purse it is going only one way and that is right down the toilet.
The Camomile Lawn by Mary Wesley
1 year ago