Sunday 8 September 2013

It's September so it must be the rugby season again. Travels with Dinno - Doncaster

On a glorious sunny day in September we trooped off to Doncaster. This was a minor miracle as a few hours before my car had broken down. This is a new ground for me and I was impressed with the stadium and grounds and let's get right to it the bacon sandwiches were good as was the hot chocolate. But as these blogs are loosely based on rugby I suppose we had better talk about the day's events.

Throughout the summer and the pre-season the lads have been showing promise after the somewhat strained end to the season. In training the lads are focussed and are showing a willingness to move the ball around and to work as a team. The forwards in particular have impressed. There was a diverse set of views about what people thought was going to happen but my thought was always that this season was always going to be more about rebuilding and if we could show the pre-season form we stood a good chance.

For the first fifteen minutes of the match it was something of a wrestling match with lots of mistakes. The scrum was excellent and we were driving Doncaster backwards. We nearly scored but the try was held up. Neither side was showing any signs of dominance. Dinno continued their dominance and from a ruck the ball came out to one of the Chessie boys, Richard and he passed out to Harry who ran in a try which Jacob then converted. The team was showing strong tackling going forward and was winning a lot of ball and had Doncaster under control. Unfortunately it didn't last and a missed pass in midfield let Donny in and then some poor tackling let them in for a second.

The team worked themselves back in and moved the ball around and the ball worked itself out to Evan on the wing who ran in a try. At half time it was Doncaster 14-12 Dinnington.

The second half of the game started with a number of changes but in a similar manner to the first half. Another missed tackle and Donny ran into score. We struck back with a debut try by Jack which was converted by Brendan. 19-19. Doncaster then ran in two more tries in the corner due to missed tackles. Despite a 'sin binning' the team was good going forward and made chances. Following a penalty Jacob ran in a try which left Doncaster wondering what had hit them. But yet again our tackling let us down and Doncaster put the tie out of reach. Final score Doncaster 38-26 Dinnington.

There were a lot of positives to build on from this performance as the last time these teams met Doncaster demolished us. There is work to do. But a good positive day.