If you look to the sidebar on the blog you can see my film recommendations of the week. Please find below my personal opinions on these and some other notable exceptions.
Shadowlands is underrated by many people who compare it to the stage play and the television adaptation with Joss Ackland. Set all that aside and watch this and enjoy a wonderful film. Anthony Hopkins is outstanding in this filmand is ably supported by an outstanding cast. I went to see this at the cinema and a large portion of the audience was in tears by the end.
Pulp Fiction this is quite simply the best film Disney ever made. This was a Buena Vista production. This will keep you intrigued right to the end. Travolta is outstanding and this film resurrected his career. Uma Thurman is stunning. There is not a poor performance in the film. Tarantino has a gift for this type of thing and this is possibly the best example of his work.
You may want to consider Once Upon A Time in Mexico as an alternative but you would be better off watching Desperado it is much better. If you like monosyllabic Schwarzenegger films then watch Conan the Barbarian on Monday night.
No Way Out on Tuesday is a rare thing. A good film with Kevin Costner. His performance is helped by the acting class given by Gene Hackman. This is a much underrated film and is a great thriller. On the same night is Saving Private Ryan but quite frankly I'd have shot Matt Damon if I'd just traipsed all over France to take him home. Also look out for Stripes with Bill Murray. This is one of his first outings and it has its moments but it is very much of its time.
On Wednesday watch Tombstone. This came out around the same time as Kevin Costner's Wyatt Earp. This is a masterpiece. Brilliant cast. Val Kilmer gives possibly his best ever performance, as Doc Holliday. There are cameos and voiceovers from Charlton Heston, Harry Carey Jr and Robert Mitchum. If you want something lighter go for Austin Powers. It's daft but it manages to be funny whilst spoofing something that was already an essential spoof.
On Thursday watch Papillon. This was based on the story of Henri Charriere and is far more accessible than the book which can be difficult at times. Steve McQueen and Dustin Hoffman are both excellent. Sci Fi fans look out for a small performance from Bill Mumy of Lost In Space and Babylon 5 fame.
Happy viewing.