Wednesday 9 July 2008

Entertainment News

This is a periodic feature. Periodic in the sense I will only add to it when I actually get out to have a social life or get something new to report on. In this first series of reviews we have four items.


This was an enjoyable night out at the cinema. A couple of hours of mindless fun, mysterious assassins. If pointless entertainment is your thing then this could hit the spot.

Eddie Izzard is at his hilarious best. This is stream of consciousness of the highest order. His impersonations of Billy Connolly and Sean Connery are very amusing.

The Last Legion (12)

I saw this film advertised on a DVD trailer and so borrowed it from my local library. The film has many similarities to Highlander inasmuch as there is a large British cast. You will be going through the film recognising actors who you have seen in many other films and TV programs. This is a bit of a twist on the Arthurian legend, not an original one though. Good entertainment. The ending is a bit predictable.

3:10 to Yuma
This is a remake of a classic Western starring Glenn Ford. I haven't seen the original and so wasn't caught up with whether it was an authentic remake or not. It was a slow film to unwind and you certainly don't see the ending coming (or I didn't anyway). Christian Bale (who I am going to watch in the forthcoming Dark Knight) is in his usual excellent form. Russell Crowe demonstrates again why he is such a good actor. He excels at doing very little yet dominating the screen. This really is an excellent film and well worth your time. I hope to see the original in the near future.

Happy viewing.

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