Well this week I generally ignored my own advice and didn't actually watch any of the films I recommended last week. But as they say that is my prerogative. However, I did visit the library and borrow a couple of items. The first was the SciFi channel's version of Dune. Regular visitors will recall that I watched the movie version a few weeks ago ( and if you don't recall then shame on you for not reading my excellent review). Like it's 'illustrious' predecessor it does take some liberties with the source material. However, it tends to hang together considerably better. Although the effects won awards they are, in my opinion, secondary to the story and you actually notice them less than you did in the Lynch version. There are fewer well known actors in this version but the established stars do not overplay the role. However, the portrayal of Gurney Halleck did not work for me in either version. The other offering from the library was The Box of Delights which was brought out in the 1980s and although the effects look rusty today the story still holds together and it kept Tom occupied for a couple of days.
In other news I, along with my doubles partner, am through to the University Staff Badminton League semi finals. My beer gut diminishes and fitness looms. I have driven my car 3 times this month and have only used a quarter of a tank so the environment is slightly happier. In other sporting comment, I have to reflect on the fact that within minutes of the start of competition at the Olympics when British 'medal hopes' started to fail to perform the usual 'oh well he was never really expected to perform' comments started to be trotted out by the BBC.

On to the movie recommendations for this week. The first movie of note is The Mummy Returns which is, unsurprisingly, the sequel to The Mummy which I recommended last week. On any other day this would be my movie of the day. Unlike most sequels it actually compares favourably to its predecessor. The action comes thick and fast and the thrills are always there. Unfortunately it is showing on the same day as Fargo. This is a very black comedy by the Coen Brothers. Although there is no star and it is an ensemble film the 'ensemble' cast is exceptionally good. Frances McDormand and William H Macy are outstanding. However, the film is partially stolen by the hapless hitmen played by Steve Buscemi and Peter Stormare. This is undoubtedly a 'better' film than The Mummy returns but don't dismiss the other film. Both will keep you entertained and hooked.

Sunday night brings comic book adventure in the shape of Hellboy. Ron Perlman is wonderful as the slightly world weary demon and the action just moves along at a great pace. This is the usual comic book stuff so don't watch it expecting much in the way of pathos. The supporting cast including John Hurt is excellent. This is just black comic book humour at its best.
Then on Monday night we have one of the blackest comedies I have ever seen. It also happens to be one of the best comedy films I have ever seen and has one of the best soundtracks you will ever hear on film. Grosse Pointe Blank is the story of a world weary assassin who starts to get things wrong and is given a final chance which coincides with his High School Reunion.

John Cusack plays Martin Blank but the film is littered with fabulous performances. Joan Cusack plays his slightly psychotic secretary who calmly goes round ordering hollow point ammo without batting an eyelid. Dan Aykroyd plays Grocer who is trying to muscle in on Blank's action and at the same time persuade him to join a 'union'. Alan Arkin plays Blank's long suffering psychiatrist who knows what Blank does but is too afraid to tell him to go away. Minnie Driver plays Blank's ex who has never left town. Blank is chased by feelance assassins, Grocer, the NSA and discovers that he has to kill his ex's daddy. Dad delivers possibly the best line in the entire film when Martin tells him what he does for a living.
On Tuesday there is X2 the sequel to X Men. Again it is a worthy successor and arguably exceeds it. Also there is Every Which Way But Loose which is one of those films which show that Clint Eastwood can do comedy. As usual with Clint's films it features an excellent ensemble cast of actors with whom Eastwood works regularly. The sequel Any Which Way You Can is showing on Wednesday night. Not, in my opinion, as good as the first but still worth a look.

Thursday sees T2. There are those who would argue that this is Arnie's best film. Allow him to operate within his limited ability he is great fun. The effects in this film were mind blowing at the time and still look good even today. When Arnie gets it right it is wonderful entertainment when he gets it wrong it is Mr Freeze in Batman. Robert Patrick is excellent as the other Terminator. Edward Furlong is suitably irritating as John Connor and Linda Hamilton is again outstanding as Sarah Connor. Ignore the spin off television series watch this. If you are after good acting then watch Marlon Brando or Laurence Olivier. If you want excellent entertainment you won't regret watching this.
Lastly on Friday night there is City Slickers featuring Billy Crystal being well the same character he always plays up against the late great Jack Palance.
Have a good week.
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