So onto this week's movie recommendations. On Saturday night there is really only one film to watch and that is Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring. Arguably this may well be the best of the trilogy.

The evening kicks off with Where Eagles Dare. This is Alistair Maclean at his best. This film did once hold the record for the highest body count on screen I believe with Burton & Eastwood accounting for most of them. It is said that the film makers got Burton & Eastwood to do the film by saying that the other one had said that they would never do it and vice versa. I don't know whether or not that is true but the outcome is over two hours of fantastic action. Later on we have three films which would be worth a look if you have the inclination. First is Equilibrium. This is a film that I had seen in my local library but never got round to actually borrowing and watching. When I finally got to see it I have to say it was better than I was expecting. It is sort of The Matrix meets 1984. The cast is excellent. Christian Bale pre-Batman is excellent as the policeman about to see the light. Although the tale revolves around Bale the rest of the cast are excellent. Next we have Sleepy Hollow. Tim Burton does dark films like nobody else and this is yet another excellent work. Johnny Depp is excellent as Ichabod Crane and is ably supported by Christina Ricci and a host of Britain's acting talent. There is also a marvellous performance from Christopher Walken but then again there usually is. Primary Colors is a black political comedy in which John Travolta does his own impersonation of Bill Clinton. My last recommendation for Sunday is to those who get the SciFi channel. Highlander which as you can see from the blog is one of my favourite films of all time is on.

Tuesday night has nothing of note so on to Wednesday. Here we have one of Harrison Ford's best films. Witness is the tale of a policeman who is assigned to protect a young Amish boy who is witness to a murder. Ford goes undercover with the Amish who find his presence inconvenient and disturbing. Ford then discovers that the people he is protecting the boy from are other cops. Laugh a minute this is not. It is not as I recall a huge action fest. It is however hugely entertaining and watchable for both Ford and Kelly McGillis (whatever happened to her). You could also check out National Treasure which is on one of the digital channels. This is Indiana Jones without the wit, charm and good acting and directing. Nevertheless it is diverting entertainment.
Thursday is bereft of anything to watch filmwise so watch Portsmouth take their first steps into European competition football. I won't be able to as I will be at a parents evening. You would think that the school would have put some thought into their scheduling, I mean how often do the mighty Pompey get on telly anyway.

On Friday night Clint Eastwood goes all Marine Corps on us in this entertaining film. Eastwood is his usual excellent self here. He is ably supported by a variety of American regulars who you will recognise. It is not by any stretch of the imagination his best work but Eastwood clearly demonstrates that less is more and manages to out act most of the cast.
Well that is all for now and I will be back in due course with, news, reviews and opinions for you to ignore at your leisure.
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