Tuesday 14 April 2009


Well everyone this is a post relatively free of film previews. That is largely due to the fact that the Radio Times is a day late due to the bank holiday. But I will rectify this situation in the next few days (always assuming there are any films worth watching.

So what else do I have to share with you. Well Tom played a rugby match against Rochdale RFU recently. It was the first time I have ever seen punches being thrown such young players. The referee was the chocolate fireguard type who wouldn't have seen anything even if it had happened right in front of him. In fact he was a disgrace. The only more biased demonstration of refereeing I have ever seen was at Sandal RUFC. Despite all this Tom's team won.

Some of you may know that I have recently taken up tai chi. This is my latest bid to actually do something to improve my fitness and battle my ever expanding Yorkshire front. Despite the fact that I haven't eaten any chocolate in 6 months I still haven't actually lost any weight. I haven't put any on though. I was expecting a gentle session in line with all the images you ever see but got a full on workout. Unfortunately my badminton playing days may have gone for a while due to my availability and childcare issues.

So having got through Holy Week I was not looking forward to the Good Friday service. Last year nobody noticed Jenni misbehaving because of the chaos engendered by Fr Vitalis but we couldn't be that lucky two years running. It was Fr Peter this year, he is the university chaplain and a great preacher. He tolerates Jenni far more than I do. During the reading of the Passion he said it would be alright for people to sit down as this was the word of God not an endurance test. Jenni was relatively well behaved and went up for the veneration of the Cross. I was worried when Jenni just stood there and looked at it but she then looked at me looked back at the Cross and bowed toward it and walked off.

On other church related matters the deanery's usual reconciliation service was abandoned for a day of reconciliation this year. There would be priests available all day to hear confessions. When we arrived there was a queue, no surprise there. Unfortunately there was only one priest available. He finished on the dot at 11 am and the people who had come in at the end of the queue jumped to the front without any thought or consideration. But I have come to expect such behaviour from the people of Huddersfield given that it occupies 9th place in the insurance scams league table.

Well coming up are Tom's rugby tour and also I am counting off the days before we go on holiday. Rainy Donegal days await.

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