A few weeks ago I handed in my resignation in preparation for starting teacher training in a few weeks time. The timing afforded me the opportunity to spend most of the summer holidays with my kids and also to avoid the headache of having to deal with people at year end who patently had no understanding of what it was I did.
I had worked at the university for nearly ten years, the longest I have ever been in one job except for my very first job. This strategy may well turn out to be a bad idea as in twelve months time I might end up being one of the most qualified people in the unemployment queue. In my time I have come up against the entitlement culture and routinely found those that adhered most to it probably had no business being in a university as they weren't academically up to it on the evidence of their applications. They also demonstrated a distinct lack of thought and planning in any aspect of their lives and blithely assumed that just by having a pulse they should be given stuff.
I am going into teaching for a number of reasons. Firstly I think I would be good at it. Secondly I think my maverick attitude is just what the system needs. Thirdly I want to try and do my bit to change the way the kids of the future think and to put my knowledge and experience to good use. If that doesn't happen then I am going to take my qualifications and skills and go and live on a remote island somewhere possibly in a cave as that will be just about all I will be able to afford.
In Britain today, and in fact for generations, there has been a prevailing attitude that knowledge, learning and respect for the law should be scorned. Those who demonstrate these characteristics are ridiculed, bullied and humiliated. Celebrity culture is all that pervades our society and for all their protestations to the contrary many politicians and teachers have helped to foster this. My heart sinks whenever the latest A-Z list celebrity is the top item on the news because quite frankly like the majority of the populace I couldn't give a damn about their lives.
So come the revolution 'celebrities' will be the first against the wall to paraphrase the late great Douglas Adams.
So whilst I am sad to be leaving a job that I enjoyed for the most part and am also concerned that I am leaving behind security I am looking forward to the chance to spread my wings and challenge myself in a new career possibly in a new town so that I can help to give my family a better life.
The Camomile Lawn by Mary Wesley
1 year ago
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