Well hello everybody. At the time of writing I am recovering from some mysterious ailment and Alison has now come down with it. As is the case, being a man, I have been affected far worse!! In forthcoming news I have an interview this week and another in the pipeline and have today booked my graduation gown. For regular viewers photos in one form or another will appear here so don't go away.

So for my brief film recommendations for the week. Firstly on Tuesday night we have Once Upon A Time In America. This is, so that source of knowledge Wikipedia tells me, the third in a trilogy which began with the incredibly tedious Once Upon A Time In The West and the instantly forgettable A Fistful of Dynamite. So on balance you might not be expecting much from this American gangster film. But like me you may be surprised. It is actually quite a good film with a very good cast. And here is my only plot teaser the one you would least think would turn into the psychopathic gangster type. Well worth a look.
The more sensible amongst you will be glued to Heroes for the next six months so nothing of any importance will be tolerated on a Wednesday night. Save Ourselves Save The World!!!
Thursday night has two cracking films the first is at 9pm on Film 4. It is probably Richard Gere's best film ever and almost certainly ranks as one of the finest performances by any actor in the shape of Lou Gossett Jr. An Officer and a Gentleman is a cracking film although I'm no big fan of the romantic element to it but if you set that aside you have a cracking boot camp story. The battle between Gere and Gossett is what makes the film and it is elctrifying from the first moment they meet until the moment when Gere graduates as an officer.

Enjoy and watch this space.
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