Well after saying goodbye to mum and dad last night and taking lots of photos I woke up screaming in the middle of the night for no apparently good reason. After a bit of a lie in this morning we set off for Fort Dunree and Buncrana.
We arrived at the fort early and so had to go away and come back which involved some interesting manoeuvring of the car. I spotted a gorgeous deserted beach and tried to find an access point. I found two both of which basically said private property go away. This was extremely frustrating. Whilst waiting I looked up at the top fort and half expected Richard Burton and Clint Eastwood to crawl out of the undergrowth shouting “Broadsword calling Danny Boy!!!”
The exhibition is known as the Guns of Dunree and so I kept expecting Gregory Peck, David Niven and Anthony Quinn to shin up the seawall and start blowing the place up. The museum is good for what it is and the fact that there were few visitors added to the appeal. We were able to wander about but with restrictions. We set off for the top fort and it added to its feeling of being a cross between Navarone and the Schloss Adler. The views from the top were stunning.
We then returned to Buncrana and did some shopping but had to go home before we found the internet café. Jenni & I then spent the afternoon asleep whilst the rugby was on. In the evening Tom and I went down to the sandy beach 2km away. The tide was coming in and so time was limited. The beach is more shells than sand and on a good day is probably fantastic fun.
Tomorrow is a quiet day on the island we hope!
Sunday 9th August
The day was a bit of an odd one. Went to Mass on the island no strange thing there but the sign of peace was omitted. Dropped the kids and Alison off on the beach and went back to the cottage only to discover that Alison had the keys. Walked the 2k back to get them and Alison came back with me and the kids. We had lunch and then headed off to explore the island. We found the pier and the beach next to it but it wasn’t very nice so we left. Then we looked for the promontory fort but the roads looked dangerous. We then looked for the nice little beach we had seen but couldn’t find a way on to it.
We decided to go to Lisfannon beach which was OK until it rained. We returned home in time to watch the Giants magnificent triumph over St Helens. I then went out to visit the graves and called in on Nellie and had a cup of tea and a chat.
Monday 10th August
Quiet day. Went to Strabane and stroked Ambrose the bronze pig. I’m sure that God got quite irate over a bronze calf once before. Went to the library and checked email. I had 46 emails of which 6 were actually of any use.
Plans for a trip to Lifford were suspended due to a lack of interest. We stopped off at a picnic spot along the N13 but I was harassed by a wasp and so fled to the car.
Got home and have made arrangements for tomorrow and Wednesday. Also managed to get tickets for Wembley so now have to find somewhere to stay.
In the evening went up to Grianan again. The weather was considerably more clement than it had been on our first trip.
Tuesday 11th August
Went down to Donegal town and bought some presents. Walked to what’s left of the abbey and went round the outside of the castle. The town was full of visitors from all over the world ( well Europe anyway!!). After Donegal went to Ballybofey and took Tom to see the ground of the mighty Finn Harps!!. The town has changed dramatically in the 13 years since I was last there.
Went for lunch at Seamus & Vonny’s place. Spent the afternoon chatting about life the universe and everything. I put my foot in it criticising social work students and also possibly by the fact that any invite to S & V to come down to the cottage might not have been clear enough. Tom & Jenni both had a go on the drums and Jenni also had a go on a guitar. Also found out that I will not need to learn how to speak Gaelic to teach at the level I want in Ireland. Not that learning Gaelic would be a problem. Chatted to Paul about his musical taste.
After getting back to the cottage Paul & Phyllis came over. We had pizza and chatted and got photos taken. Decided that I will go and see Willie Downey whilst I am here as it might be the last chance to do so.
Wednesday 12th August
Went to the Aquarium in Derry this morning. A reasonably interesting place if not much to do there. We then went in search of Prehen Woods. These are known as the 'lungs of Derry' but they seemed to have been removed. We eventually found the place but there was no parking or at least none that I was happy leaving the car in. Thwarted in our efforts to walk through the ‘lung of Derry’ we decided to call in on Nellie to see how she is doing.
Got back to the cottage earlier than planned and so had to do the washing up before preparing lunch. Off bowling this afternoon with Paul & Phyllis. Bowling was great fun and Tom and Jenny had a whale of a time.
Thursday 13th August
Today was Nellie’s birthday so a mass visit was coordinated for the afternoon. I went into Derry and got some flowers for Nellie having been recommended a place by Terri. At lunchtime I took the kids for a pony ride at Terri’s. The kids were escorted by Aoife. The ride didn’t quite last as long as I was expecting but the kids enjoyed it.
On the way down to Nellie’s I called in on Willie Downey but he wasn’t there. Got to Nellie’s and she was as ever delighted to see the kids. It was announced that Patsy was on her way up from Dublin. She had made the decision when she got up that morning.
Shortly after Jacqui, Gerry, Paul & Phyllis arrived. Jenni did what she usually does which is feed off the fact she has a new audience to delight and Patsy did not disappoint.
Later on Patricia, Harry and Chloe arrived. Jenni made a new friend and acquired a new toy.
Called in on Willie Downey again but he wasn’t in.
Friday 14th August
At last I have met my uncle Willie and also one of his daughters. It was fantastic to spend time with him and get to know him and everybody else. He gave me a few tips for the family tree which paid off massively when I got back home.
On Saturday went back to see him again and brought the family this time. The kids had a whale of a time getting to know their new relatives. We then went over to see Nellie before setting off for the ferry.
As usual the parting was sad and I don't intend to leave it so long the next time. The trip to Larne was only interrupted by a marching band and a brief stop on Glenshane Pass. We actually arrived too early for the ferry.
The actual ferry trip was better than the trip over but the drive down to Huddersfield was a bit of a killer. Next time I will make sure that we book a hotel both ways.
Overall the trip was the best holiday I have ever had despite what my face might have said at times. It reminded me of why I love Ireland and Donegal in particular.
A couple of weeks later Thomas and I met up with Emmett, Tom's godfather, to watch the RL Challenge Cup Final featuring Huddersfield and warrington. The result was bad but the day was great. We managed to cope with the underground. When we arrived at Wembley we went in search of food and found American Charcoal where the portions were huge and Tom couldn't finish it all. We spent the day with Steve, Denise and Stephanie who we met on the train down.The stadium is massively impressive but there aren't enough toilets. I almost felt like punching a member of Team Robbo who felt that more singing would help the team play better.
Take care!
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