Monday, 21 December 2009
News and views
In the lead up to Christmas here are my recommendations for the week. Tonight you can watch either Tombstone (BBC1) or Gremlins (ITV2). The former is a wonderful adaptation of the OK Corral story and the story of Wyatt Earp. The stand out performance comes from Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday. Kilmer who can now be heard as the voice of KITT in the new version of Knight Rider often fails to deliver but this performance is a masterpiece. Gremlins is a delightfully anarchic film which plays around with a number of holiday traditions.
On Wednesday we have Arnie in Terminator 2: Judgment Day(itv2). This was a jaw dropping film when it came out and I remember the reaction to the special effects in the cinema. There are 2 versions of the film out there. The US version has a few more scenes which add a little but missing them does not detract from the enjoyment this film provides. It still stands up today and in a review for James Cameron's latest film Avatar it is argued that without T2 Avatar would not exist.
Christmas Eve brings Four Weddings and a Funeral (Film4). My best man and I went to watch this with a priest friend of ours and could barely stop laughing at his reaction to the opening sequence between Hugh Grant and the late Charlotte Cornwell. It is a bit twee but it is worth a look. Tragically it remains Hugh Grant's finest piece.
Not surprisingly the best day of the week is Christmas Day with three offerings later in the day. The stand out film of the day is Gladiator. This is a truly epic film with stunning effects and incredible performances not just by Russell Crowe but the supporting cast is truly stunning. Oliver Reed delivers a powerhouse performance. Another underrated film is Mercury Rising featuring Bruce Willis and Alec Baldwin. Baldwin is arguably the better performer here and is at his menacing best. A more light hearted offering is Speed. It works because Keanu Reeves doesn't have to stretch himself as an actor. The film is stolen, as always seems to be the case, by the villain, in this case Dennis Hopper. All in all good friendly mindless fun. Stick your brain in neutral and just be entertained. Blues Brothers 2000 is on and whilst it isn't a patch on the original it too is very entertaining as a vehicle for all the wondrous music.
In one final seasonal plea do not under any circumstances watch Elf. Will Ferrell is very overrated in my opinion and by watching his tripe you only encourage him to make more of it.
Seasons greetings to one and all
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Media reviews of the week
I am still reading Ranulph Fiennes' latest book which as something of a history buff is incredible. This is one family going down through history affecting major events. I recommend it to you all but read after reading John O'Farrell's Utterly Impartial History of Britain.
Apologies for coming to the weeks televisual film offerings but I had a life at the weekend. I won't dwell on what we have missed so far but Wednesday has a number of films worthy of consideration. The Last Samurai is arguably my favourite of the day. It is beautifully shot and Ken Watanabe steals the show from Tom Cruise but unlike in his early days I suspect that Cruise is more comfortable with this. Cruise is good and with able support from Billy Connolly and Timothy Spall it is a well spent couple of hours. Also worth a look is The Sixth Sense which is up against one of the most overrated horror films of all time The Exorcist.
On Thursday we have Enter The Dragon. Arguably the most influential martial arts movie of all time. It is brilliant entertainment particularly if you get to see the unedited version. Bruce Lee was never better than in this and it is a tragedy that he never lived to see the successor possibly to fulfil his massive potential. Big Trouble in Little China is also on but if you watch Dragon then why would you bother with this effects driven chop socky adventure. On any other day Big Trouble is worth a look.
Friday's tour de force is Mars Attacks. It is hysterically funny and star studded. Perhaps those who make films based on computer games should watch this to see how to expand an idea where there is little actual source material. With nods to War of the Worlds, Airplane and many other films this is one that is well worth the effort. Also available is The Black Dahlia. This was a disappointment after LA Confidential but that being said it is worthy of a look. It was a bit slow and ponderous and didn't quite hit the film noir feel which it needed. Samuel L Jackson's version of Shaft is also worth a look. Like The Jackal which I reviewed some time ago it retains enough of the original but is more than capable of standing on its own two feet as a film in its own right.
A few thoughts
Today I gave some money to a man sitting on the roadside begging. Why did you do that some of you may be asking? I have been walking the 2 miles or so from the kids' school to work and this morning was a fairly brisk morning. Normally I would give to the Salvation Army and outsource the hard work to somebody else and I would always commend support to them as they were there for me and mine when I was a kid. My logic was that maybe if I give this guy something he might get some immediate benefit from it, maybe a cup of tea. Financially it wasn't going to make any great difference to me. Morally it doesn't make a difference to me. If he then went and spent the money on something else then ultimately he will have to answer for his choices to higher authority than I.
What really struck me was the fact that this man who apparently had nothing much to speak of he was courteous and polite which is more than some of my clients are a lot of the time. Maybe if I see him again I will speak to him a bit more and find out where he fits into the universe.
Friday, 4 December 2009
Ireland Week 2 and the mighty Huddersfield Giants
Well after saying goodbye to mum and dad last night and taking lots of photos I woke up screaming in the middle of the night for no apparently good reason. After a bit of a lie in this morning we set off for Fort Dunree and Buncrana.
We arrived at the fort early and so had to go away and come back which involved some interesting manoeuvring of the car. I spotted a gorgeous deserted beach and tried to find an access point. I found two both of which basically said private property go away. This was extremely frustrating. Whilst waiting I looked up at the top fort and half expected Richard Burton and Clint Eastwood to crawl out of the undergrowth shouting “Broadsword calling Danny Boy!!!”
The exhibition is known as the Guns of Dunree and so I kept expecting Gregory Peck, David Niven and Anthony Quinn to shin up the seawall and start blowing the place up. The museum is good for what it is and the fact that there were few visitors added to the appeal. We were able to wander about but with restrictions. We set off for the top fort and it added to its feeling of being a cross between Navarone and the Schloss Adler. The views from the top were stunning.
We then returned to Buncrana and did some shopping but had to go home before we found the internet café. Jenni & I then spent the afternoon asleep whilst the rugby was on. In the evening Tom and I went down to the sandy beach 2km away. The tide was coming in and so time was limited. The beach is more shells than sand and on a good day is probably fantastic fun.
Tomorrow is a quiet day on the island we hope!
Sunday 9th August
The day was a bit of an odd one. Went to Mass on the island no strange thing there but the sign of peace was omitted. Dropped the kids and Alison off on the beach and went back to the cottage only to discover that Alison had the keys. Walked the 2k back to get them and Alison came back with me and the kids. We had lunch and then headed off to explore the island. We found the pier and the beach next to it but it wasn’t very nice so we left. Then we looked for the promontory fort but the roads looked dangerous. We then looked for the nice little beach we had seen but couldn’t find a way on to it.
We decided to go to Lisfannon beach which was OK until it rained. We returned home in time to watch the Giants magnificent triumph over St Helens. I then went out to visit the graves and called in on Nellie and had a cup of tea and a chat.
Monday 10th August
Quiet day. Went to Strabane and stroked Ambrose the bronze pig. I’m sure that God got quite irate over a bronze calf once before. Went to the library and checked email. I had 46 emails of which 6 were actually of any use.
Plans for a trip to Lifford were suspended due to a lack of interest. We stopped off at a picnic spot along the N13 but I was harassed by a wasp and so fled to the car.
Got home and have made arrangements for tomorrow and Wednesday. Also managed to get tickets for Wembley so now have to find somewhere to stay.
In the evening went up to Grianan again. The weather was considerably more clement than it had been on our first trip.
Tuesday 11th August
Went down to Donegal town and bought some presents. Walked to what’s left of the abbey and went round the outside of the castle. The town was full of visitors from all over the world ( well Europe anyway!!). After Donegal went to Ballybofey and took Tom to see the ground of the mighty Finn Harps!!. The town has changed dramatically in the 13 years since I was last there.
Went for lunch at Seamus & Vonny’s place. Spent the afternoon chatting about life the universe and everything. I put my foot in it criticising social work students and also possibly by the fact that any invite to S & V to come down to the cottage might not have been clear enough. Tom & Jenni both had a go on the drums and Jenni also had a go on a guitar. Also found out that I will not need to learn how to speak Gaelic to teach at the level I want in Ireland. Not that learning Gaelic would be a problem. Chatted to Paul about his musical taste.
After getting back to the cottage Paul & Phyllis came over. We had pizza and chatted and got photos taken. Decided that I will go and see Willie Downey whilst I am here as it might be the last chance to do so.
Wednesday 12th August
Went to the Aquarium in Derry this morning. A reasonably interesting place if not much to do there. We then went in search of Prehen Woods. These are known as the 'lungs of Derry' but they seemed to have been removed. We eventually found the place but there was no parking or at least none that I was happy leaving the car in. Thwarted in our efforts to walk through the ‘lung of Derry’ we decided to call in on Nellie to see how she is doing.
Got back to the cottage earlier than planned and so had to do the washing up before preparing lunch. Off bowling this afternoon with Paul & Phyllis. Bowling was great fun and Tom and Jenny had a whale of a time.
Thursday 13th August
Today was Nellie’s birthday so a mass visit was coordinated for the afternoon. I went into Derry and got some flowers for Nellie having been recommended a place by Terri. At lunchtime I took the kids for a pony ride at Terri’s. The kids were escorted by Aoife. The ride didn’t quite last as long as I was expecting but the kids enjoyed it.
On the way down to Nellie’s I called in on Willie Downey but he wasn’t there. Got to Nellie’s and she was as ever delighted to see the kids. It was announced that Patsy was on her way up from Dublin. She had made the decision when she got up that morning.
Shortly after Jacqui, Gerry, Paul & Phyllis arrived. Jenni did what she usually does which is feed off the fact she has a new audience to delight and Patsy did not disappoint.
Later on Patricia, Harry and Chloe arrived. Jenni made a new friend and acquired a new toy.
Called in on Willie Downey again but he wasn’t in.
Friday 14th August
At last I have met my uncle Willie and also one of his daughters. It was fantastic to spend time with him and get to know him and everybody else. He gave me a few tips for the family tree which paid off massively when I got back home.
On Saturday went back to see him again and brought the family this time. The kids had a whale of a time getting to know their new relatives. We then went over to see Nellie before setting off for the ferry.
As usual the parting was sad and I don't intend to leave it so long the next time. The trip to Larne was only interrupted by a marching band and a brief stop on Glenshane Pass. We actually arrived too early for the ferry.
The actual ferry trip was better than the trip over but the drive down to Huddersfield was a bit of a killer. Next time I will make sure that we book a hotel both ways.
Overall the trip was the best holiday I have ever had despite what my face might have said at times. It reminded me of why I love Ireland and Donegal in particular.
A couple of weeks later Thomas and I met up with Emmett, Tom's godfather, to watch the RL Challenge Cup Final featuring Huddersfield and warrington. The result was bad but the day was great. We managed to cope with the underground. When we arrived at Wembley we went in search of food and found American Charcoal where the portions were huge and Tom couldn't finish it all. We spent the day with Steve, Denise and Stephanie who we met on the train down.The stadium is massively impressive but there aren't enough toilets. I almost felt like punching a member of Team Robbo who felt that more singing would help the team play better.
Take care!
Books, films and other matters of interest
As trailed last week I have now watched the Renegade Version of Highlander 2. Is it better than the theatrical release I hear you cry? Yes but only marginally. Some of the additional scenes do help the film make more sense but still the film is disappointing. Perhaps after the original film anything would be disappointing.
John O'Farrell's latest book was, as expected very entertaining, possibly not as good as the first history book but nevertheless a good read. Currently I have 2 books on the go. Ranulph Fiennes' family history is shaping up nicely and P J O'Rourke's latest offering looks like it could be a good read.
This week we have a voyage south to that centre of the universe Worksop and a rugby match in Otley. On Tuesday I have my PGCE interview, fingers crossed there and lip well and truly bitten. We are wondering if my 10 year old will carry through with his strike threat and if so how we will notice that it has started.
Well more later
Vaya con dios
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Films of the week (w/c28/11/09)
I have recently finished reading Stuart Maconie's Cider With Roadies. If you are interested in music history it is interesting. It is not as good as Pies & Prejudice but is much better than Adventures on the High Teas. That just didn't click for me.
So on with the films on Saturday there are 3 films each of which if they didn't have the competition would be film of the day. The Adventures of Robin Hood is Hollywood does English legend ye olde englishe waye. It is a fantastic romp and Basil Rathbone, Erroll Flynn and Claude Rains simply chew up the screen. Overlapping this gem is The Empire Strikes Back. This is by a considerable distance the best of the original three Star Wars films and by definition, therefore, the best of the six. It is dark and the Vadar and Yoda characters are fantastic. Late night on Virgin 1 is No Way Out. Gene Hackman acts Kevin Costner off the screen in what is one of Costner's best films. It is simply well written, well acted and a pacy thriller.
On Sunday yet again there are a clutch of interesting offerings. Channel 5 offers Firefox. Based on the Craig Thomas novel of the same name it is actually quite a good adaptation of the book. Unfortunately it was panned by just about everybody as one of Clint Eastwood's worst films. The dodgy Russian accents offered by pretty much the entire membership of Equity are a delight to behold. It is good fun if not a great movie. It is followed by The Green Mile. This is based on the Stephen King story. It is the director Frank Darabont's second King prison flick after The Shawshank Redemption. Coincidentally the stage play of that film is in trouble with a number of reviewers for putting a review of the film over it's theatrical offering which was not so praiseworthy apparently. I am not a big Tom Hanks fan but this is one of his better films. Other offerings are Sahara (Film 4) which is a very good action adventure offering. Lastly there is Enemy at the Gates. This isn't rated too highly in Radio Times but I think it is actually a very entertaining movie if at variance with actual history.
On Tuesday the undoubted film of the day is Flags of Our Fathers (Film 4) This is one of Clint Eastwood's 2 war films and is actually probably the slightly weaker of the two in my humble opinion. Nevertheless it is still a better film than most you will see. It tells the Iwo Jima tale from the American point of view. The outstanding performance in this film comes from Adam Beach who can also be seen in another fantastic film, Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee. The other film on Tuesday is The Blues Brothers. There isn't a plot as such it is merely a series of set pieces to showcase the fantastic music which is what the film is all about.
Wednesday brings the second of the Clint Eastwood war films, Letters From Iwo Jima. I think this is the best of the two. Ken Watanabe is truly magnificent but is there a film where he isn't, perhaps Batman Begins. Also on Wednesday there is First Blood. This is the first and, by some considerable distance, the best of the Rambo films. Stallone is excellent, despite evidence to the contrary (Stop Or My Mom Will Shoot), he can act given the right material (Rocky, Copland, Judge Dredd). The tension is ratcheted up in this film. Brian Dennehy is a fantastic foil and watch out for David Caruso of CSI Miami. If only the rest of the franchise could have been a patch on this one they would all be classics.
On Thursday there is one underrated offering and one guilty pleasure. The underrated offering is Black Widow. It is not normally one of my type of films and I certainly wouldn't go out of my way to see it. However, I ended up watching it one evening and was impressed with the offering. The guilty pleasure is Rat Race. It is by the Airplane team which means one of two things usually. A film will be either very very funny (Airplane, Naked Gun, Police Squad) or it will be very dodgy (Kentucky Fried Movie, Top Secret). There are gags in this film that you laugh at but your not sure why or even if you should be laughing but you can't help it.
We end the week with two films on Friday night. The first of these, The Jackal, shouldn't work and some still feel that it is heresy that it was ever made, but it is a great film that whilst showing a nod to its illustrious predecessor doesn't feel constrained by it. It takes what worked in the original but changes it slightly. Bruce Willis is absolutely fantastic as the title character, Sidney Poitier is fantastic as the FBI agent. The one thing that spoils this film is Richard Gere and the frankly ludicrous plot involving an ex-Basque terrorist. The second film is Downfall. This is about the last days in Hitler's bunker in Berlin. It is a film which was universally lauded particularly Bruno Ganz who portrays the German dictator. I found it a bit turgid and long winded for my taste. It might well be very good but I found it hard going.
Enjoy yourselves more to come in the next few days.
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
An academic once criticised part of one of my best presentations because some information came from personal knowledge and experience rather than from the groves of academe.
Almost the next day there was a debate about the Kelly Report into MPs expenses when it was leaked that allowances would be lost and spouses not allowed to be employed. The MP's complaint was that Kelly had clearly not listened to the evidence he had given because he had reached a different conclusion to the one he wanted, Politicians are forever doing this. The current furore over scientific advisers is also part of this. The evidence would seem to support the scientist's conclusions it is just that what he said was ludicrous but accurate.
I don't mind people using evidence to support their argument, it is what I have trained to do for 4 years, what I do object to is people denying that contrary evidence exists or stating that unless evidence is gathered from a scientific research program it is invalid. Evidence simply is. You may vary the weight you give to different types of evidence but evidence is evidence and to deny this simple fact is irritating and pointless.
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
I have today heard one MP (Bill Etherington somewhere in Sunderland) try and justify the purchase of a razor on expenses. A razor is not essential to the correct performance of his duties as an MP and which world is he living in if he thinks that the public would think otherwise. We have Shahid Malik trying to justify the purchase of a Plasma TV at the public expense and other MPs claiming curtains, cushions etc. The other issue is that they never go to Primark to buy these things and the public never get the benefit of their largesse.
Until this country gets away from responding to people who start sentences with "Worrit is right..." with large sums of money from the public purse it is going only one way and that is right down the toilet.
Sunday, 23 August 2009
Ireland Week 1
Dawn broke on a dull and cloudy morning. This was going to be a long day. We set off and I nearly missed the petrol station 10 yards away from the Travelodge. After filling up I went in to pay and chatted to the attendant and we compared weather anecdotes. The trip to Cairnryan was enhanced by the fact that sun broke through the clouds
Passengers were ushered back to their cars and engines started. It was not quite like a Le Mans start more like the Wacky Races. Which queue would get on first??? Tom seemed entirely underwhelmed by the whole experience. We were fourth on and made our way up to the passenger deck. I can remember when there would have been long queues of traffic going down to the ports but now the roads were virtually empty. Initially I sat facing the front but my stomach and inner ear quickly told me to sit with my back to the direction of travel. Even when stationery I could detect movement of the ship.
The ship set a fair old pace, much faster than the ferries of my youth which I swear had Charlton Heston and a crew of slaves manning oars at the bottom of the ship. Alison and the kids all lay down whilst I pondered anything to take my mind off the swaying of the ship. To an extent both strategies worked as nobody was sick. I was saved by a blast of cool air down a passage from the open deck. Also a note to to P&O if you are going to put Sudoku in your magazine at least have the decency to make sure they can be completed.
So after arrival at Larne stage two of the road trip began. Quickly I decided that some of the drivers in Northern Ireland were certifiable given some of the speeds they were clearly doing. Although they have ‘motorways’ they are barely adequate A roads in comparison to those in Great Britain. Even Glenshane Pass seemed to have lost something since I last passed along it. We made it to Derry having seen the town described as “London” and “Derry” depending on which section of the community you belonged to. Just as I saw a sign for Foyle Bridge which was a target destination for me Alison exclaimed that there was a Tesco. Fortunately they were on the same road so we pulled into Lisnagelvin Centre and did our shopping.
I rang dad to let them know we were in the neighbourhood and rapidly discovered that our cover had already been blown by somebody as everybody seemed to know a) we were coming and b) where we were staying. Shopping done we tried to make good our escape from the hellish nightmare of shopping on a Saturday. There were no signs for Foyle Bridge on exit and we ended up on a small estate by the UVF hall. I rapidly decided that a hasty retreat to the nearest main road was in order.
Having escaped the clutches of the Hun and no doubt certain doom we followed the main road and ended up at Craigavon Bridge. This then required me to use the force, my chosen method of finding my way in the world, to find the round to Bridge End. Miraculously despite the many changes to Derry since the last time I was able to make it out of the city on the right road.
Next we headed, unintentionally to Burt and so scared the living daylights out of a few car drivers as we effected a turn. I had to read the inner dial on the speedometer now that we were in the Republic. Eventually we found our way to Inch. I followed the sign for Inch Pier and then decided that I was going in completely the wrong direction so again created confusion for the locals and went back the way we came and pounced upon the first unsuspecting local for directions. He quickly ran back in to his house to seek reinforcements. I followed his directions and almost found myself in the Lough as we went along the Strand. We came to a fork in the road and again took the wrong turning. I again decided to go and harass a local man in his own house. He gave me the information I required so I let him live and I quickly effected my escape. I followed the signs for Binn Allt (Roads End). Within minutes we had found the cottage and were about to go to the wrong cottage when another local with an American accent decided to stop and interrogate us. I then went in search of our host for the trip.
The door was answered by her daughter who said that she would come down and let us in. we waited and then a red car appeared from the owner’s house and out stepped Terri who was bemused as to why her daughter had neglected to tell us that the keys were in the door. She gave us a guided tour and suggested some places to visit whilst we were here. For all her friendliness and the fact that Jenni decided to give her a huge hug all I wanted was to be left in peace for a little while.
After our return we decided to turn in for the night as we had a busy day ahead of us tomorrow.
Sunday 2nd August
The morning was glorious and Inch and the surrounding countryside were revealed in all their glory. The sun shimmered on Lough Swilly and the day was set fair. We set off for Killea at 8.45am hoping to make it in time for 9.30 Mass. The route was relatively simple and apart from one slight detour which Tom managed to correct through his powers of observation we arrived and made our way into the back of church. I was still feeling a little on edge after all the travelling I had done in the last few weeks. My parents were sat at the back with Helen & Jack. I scanned the congregation but could not see anybody else I knew.
I crept in behind my parents only to be spotted by dad who always did have an annoying habit of turning round at exactly the wrong moment. The shock and awe tactics of Jenni took away the breath of the American contingent. Mass started at the usual Donegal speed even though the priest, who had once incensed me on a previous visit, could only manage a barely audible mumble. Jenni went into children’s liturgy and came out doing the offertory procession much to everybody’s surprise. I then noticed Margaret McDaid.
After mass there were hugs and handshakes with the rellies and then introductions to cousins and people of whom I had no idea of their existence 60 seconds previously. We then drove up to Nellie’s house and under instructions from Mum waited outside until their return from the shop, which is a fine old Irish tradition. You come straight out of Mass having condemned the most sinful aspects of human nature and then you go away and indulge them be it alcohol, cigarettes, polluting the environment or reading the News of the World.
Nellie looked on from her window at us wondering who we were and what we were doing and we were attracting attention from a couple of local dogs. This wait was to be the first of many today. We had tea and toast after all the introductions and eventually lunchtime came around. Just before lunch I had been out for a walk with Harry and Jack two of my uncles. Jenni continued to try and wow the relatives and Tom was just quiet.
Next to show up was Paul and then after he had gone we went for a walk prior to the expected arrival of the Ballybofey branch of the clan. Jenni discovered a Barbie castle in somebody’s garden and wanted to make a closer inspection of the property. Lee (Paul's son) went away and then Paul and Harry came back and then Seamus, Vonny and Charlene appeared and with the arrival of Paul and Phyllis as well as the return of Helen and Jack the house was, for a time, full and the centre of the universe. Conversations were taking place in the kitchen and the lounge and people drifted between venues.
This would have been the ideal opportunity to take photos but it didn’t seem appropriate and Serafina the cat didn’t seem interested. After a long day we returned to the island and the peace and tranquillity and watched the sun go down over Lough Swilly.
The weather was dreek but it showed occasional flashes of calm and so we took the road up to Grianan. The mystery of whether or not the golf course at Burt still existed was solved – it doesn’t!!. We drove up and were instantly faced with a problem – where was the camera? Alison insisted that she hadn’t packed it and I said that I brought it down for packing. We had to use Tom’s camera and my mobile phone which was rendered useless by the weather. Later in the day we discovered that the digital camera had been in the bag all along. Not happy!!!!

After our escape we headed back and ran into Paul and Phyllis in the Foyleside and agreed to meet up and go bowling or something. We then headed up to Killea where we walked into a crisis and previously agreed arrangements were altered. We took Dad over to the island and dropped Alison and Jenni off. We then went to Moville for a round of golf. It was not great and the fact Tom had never played before was a bit of a problem which made us late for picking mum up from Killea.
I won the game for the record.
We had been asked by Vonny “Why do you want to go there? There is nothing there.” Well there was the scenery. We had hit it on the perfect half hour as not long after we left the clouds and rain descended. Also there was The Old Curiosity Shop which we didn’t visit. It doubles as the tourist information office for the area. Who says the Irish are daft?
We then went to Malin and Culdaff. There was not much at Malin other than the fact it seemed to be a nice little village so we decided not to stop. At Culdaff I was beginning to wonder where the much vaunted beach was as it looked a mile or so inland on the maps. Then all of a sudden there was a sign for the beach but even then I remain
Today was a bastard of a day. Set off early for Dunlewey (there is no link here as I don't wish to encourage them) and Glenveagh( . Letterkenny has changed beyond all recognition since I was there last (there are now a few more traffic lights!!). Arrived at Dunlewey at about 10 o’clock. The road was challenging but spectacular. Unfortunately the centre did not open until 10.30. So we waited around and eventually went in and were charged 17 euros for entry into part of the place and would have been charged more had we wanted to use any of the main features.
The farm featured a couple of scrawny donkeys , two indolent pigs (of the porcine variety not the staff!!) several stuffed animals and a few birds. I went round taunting each with words such as hoi sin sauce for the ducks.
Tom and Jenni both wanted to go on the adventure playground. Tom fell off a rope slide (unlike every other child who went on it) and went down as if he had been shot. He survived to spend the next hour moping around and behaving like a teenager. We eventually found some lakeside walks and went on one along the Poison Glen. We came back and decided to leave with a sensation that we had been ripped off. The Poison Glen (named after a mistranslation which caught on after some soldiers were poisoned nearby apparently) is beautiful but that is free.
I have now managed to compile all the photos into one place. Well tomorrow is another day.
Thursday 6th August
This morning we went over to the genealogy centre at Ramelton. Mere mortals are not allowed to examine the records and so the researcher looked into the family for me. She came back after about half an hour and informed me that a lot of what I had been told was wrong. She offered me several bits of information and I selected the cheapest and what I believed were the most useful. I might get in touch again and do the research a bit at a time. You were left very much with a feeling of cross my palm with silver and I shall tell you everything.
We then headed down to Killea to go out to some family graves. Mum asked what I had found out and Aunt Helen also enquired. I was then informed that I had an uncle that nobody knew about.
We agreed to go up to Ballybofey on Tuesday and then after a brief lunch we went to St Johnston and Newtoncunningham. We went to see Mary. She seemed a bit tearful which is entirely understandable but Jenni made herself at home and gave out lots of hugs. Then we went down to Newton and found out more information in the churchyard there. I also went to look at the new church. I am spectacularly unimpressed as the old church was beautiful. This is the folly of the priest I mentioned earlier.
Then back to Nellie’s. By this time we had practically the entire clan other than the Dublin branch and Sinead. We said our goodbyes to Jack & Helen and back home in time for supper.
Mum and dad’s 41st anniversary today. Got up and the local and national weather didn’t agree with each other. We decided to take the chance and go to the Giants Causeway and Dunluce Castle. The added benefit to the decision was that tomorrow is likely to be hellish up there and there is the small matter of the Apprentice Boys march in Derry to contend with.
We then climbed back up to the car for lunch and then headed off to Dunluce.
The contrast couldn’t have been greater. There were only a few tourists and everything was done on a much more relaxed scale. You felt that they wanted people to enjoy the place for what it was whereas at the Causeway you were left with the impression that they felt they had to justify the World Heritage Site status by charging for the air around the place.
Also at Dunluce there is a little shop and café run completely separately from the castle. Mum and dad are coming round this evening.
Week 2 will follow shortly as will death by PowerPoint. The photos here are just a few of some 350.
Saturday, 22 August 2009
Travels with Jonathan Part 3 - The Emerald Isle
Following a dreadful night in Dumfries at the Travelodge we set off on what looked like a grim day but were rewarded with fantastic roads and glorious weather en route to Cainryan. Now I am not a great traveller on ferries and the one thing that was missing from my memory were the long queues of traffic headed to or coming from the ports. Tom seemed entirely underwhelmed with his first sight of a ferry. The crossing was much better than I remembered from my youth. There were only a couple of moments that brought back those memories ( and nearly my breakfast).
The drive through Northern Ireland was also better than I recalled. We arrived in Derry and looked for signs for the Foyle Bridge. The first one we saw also led to a Tesco at Lisnagelvin where we could do our shopping. We left and all the signs for the bridge disappeared. We ended up driving around and stopping outside a UVF hall. Needless to say we didn't hang around. We crossed over the river on the Craigavon Bridge and then used the force to negotiate the city. Eventually we found the way out and then found Inch which was where the problems started.
In Ireland you don't necessarily go the way that common sense tells you you should. Inch proved this after taking the wrong turn immediately on getting to the island. We went down a single track and stopped outside a bemused person's house who ran back inside to seek reinforcements or perhaps a shotgun. We were apparently going in the right direction and caught our one and only glimpse of the castle. we then plunged down onto the strand and at the next junction accidentally took the right route but still felt the need to stop and harass a local couple in their own house. We eventually found our home for the next fortnight but took half an hour to find the owner to let us in.
That evening Tom and I went for a walk and I felt the peace and quiet and fresh air for the first time.
More to follow with pictures as well. We are now ready to bore people with a full screen slideshow of our holiday snaps.
Thursday, 30 July 2009
Travels with Jonathan Part 2 - The frozen north
On the Sunday due to the Forth Road Bridge being closed I had to take the Kincardine Bridge and travel down the M6 route. I did the journey in about an hour less than normal. Partly because I only had to stop when I needed to stop and partly because the traffic was fine until you got down to Lancaster. I stopped at Tebay, the much vaunted service station on the M6. On the same journey I had to stop at Bothwell near Glasgow, and on the return leg Birch and Bolton. Tebay southbound is better than the northbound at the moment largely because northbound there is a building site. But the point is that Tebay may well scalp you on the prices just like all the others but you resent paying the prices less because the surroundings and service are so much better than those provided by the big multiples.
One question that did puzzle me is why in hot sunny weather when common sense would dictate that women would wear strapless undergarments they insist on showing little or no fashion sense and show off every little item they are wearing straps and all.
Edinburgh does have something in common with Mansfield. Yes I know it sounds odd but it is true. Edinburgh for all its wonderful buildings and beautiful surroundings is a grimy city. If the city fathers took more time to clean the place up it would be an even bigger draw to tourists but just a couple of streets away from the Royal Mile the bin bags were piled high by the road side on a Saturday when the number of tourists is huge. The numbers were swollen by the gathering of the clans which boiled down to essentially, a lot of people dressed up in tartan.
Edinburgh is my favourite capital city of those I have visited and I could happily live there and probably go bankrupt in the shops.
Travels with Jonathan
Mansfield was always something of a hole largely because its council refused to recognise that since it had lost its two main injuries (coal and textiles) the town was nothing more than a dormitory town for Nottingham. Most of my fellow students left Mansfield and have rarely returned since leaving for Huddersfield back in 1992 I have only been back about a dozen times. What shocked me about the place is that around my school it feels like somebody just let off a limited nuclear device. Most of the houses and shops around the school are empty or rather the old terraces are. The better houses seem to have remained largely unaffected.
Whilst in Mansfield I drove round some of my old houses and haunts to see what has happened. I didn't visit the Ladybrook estate. Our bungalow in Pleasley has remained largely unchanged from what I could see but the village in general has suffered the same problem located by my school. The police house where I grew up is now an industrial estate which is a terrible shame. The last house in Mansfield where I lived again hasn't changed much. The Nottingham Road end of town has remained fairly constant. The only bizarre change was the sudden appearance of a palm tree in my old front garden.
I had a round of golf at King George V on Berry Hill and rediscovered my enjoyment of the game. The peace and tranquility even though I hadn't hit a ball for about 5 years was great. The hotel where I stayed was functional and had a cat called Marmalade and the service was good as on Saturday they opened up the restaurant for me.
The town centre is stuck in a time warp though. The broken glass makes a scene reminiscent of Kristalnacht but without the poignancy. That is just the way Mansfield is. Those who care can't do anythign because those who don't care about anything shout loudest and everybody has to listen. The chavs queuing outside Greggs for their sausage rolls make the ones elsewhere in the country seem positively cosmopolitan. The interior of the Four Seasons Shopping Centre hasn't changed at all since I left all those years ago.
Another delight of the trip was the chance to go to St Phillips church again. Having attended some relatively humble establishments in recent years it was an oasis of calm in the storm that is life in Mansfield. The clergy may have changed but many of the congregation were there when I was a boy.It was great to speak to people I hadn't seen for years. The particular delights were to speak to my what would be now Y4/5 teacher and one of my headmasters.
Once Mansfield accepts what it is then change may come but if it doesn't then I foresee Mansfield breaking up into lots of small villages with a kind of separation between the areas people want to live and where those who have ambition live and those where the neanderthal indifferent residents currently reside.
More musings from my recent travels later
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Education & politics
Ed Balls, who many parents think is part of the problem with education and not part of the solution, accused the Tories of effectively attacking the parent's right to know how their school is performing and of attacking teachers. What utter patronising nonsense. League Tables are a construct which actually does not answer many fundamental questions relating to choice. They are a blunt instrument which shows which schools can teach to the test. Teachers were, in my day, trusted individuals who were able to give parents a clear picture of how their child(ren) were doing at school. What parents really want is to know that their offspring can read, write, add up and communicate effectively as a basic minimum. Having seen some of the results that turn up at universities across the country the comprehensive system and the education policy of all governments have failed utterly. The nonsensical idea that 50% of the population are actually capable of the academic rigour required to undertake a degree should be put to bed. As an ideal it is good but it has never been the case that this proportion of the populace have been academically able to take a degree. The degree has been devalued to the extent that only those with postgraduate qualifications can demonstrate that they are academically able.
Teachers should be allowed to teach. Yes there have to be tests and assessments but at primary level they must not be the pinnacle and most important thing.
The glorious leader, not Lord Mandelson of Sith but the Prime Minister, told his fellow Labour MPs that he would change and be open and transparent. Diane Abbott didn't believe him and a mere one week later she has been proved right. The Iraq Inquiry will be held behind closed doors it is unclear who can be called and what evidence can be seen. What is more important is that no blame will be apportioned. Blame is exactly what this inquiry should be apportioning. People in government either actively or recklessly misled Parliament and the country at large as to the reasons for going to war. Some of that negligence may well be of a criminal standard. People have died as a result of the lies told by the government. Members of the Cabinet may actually be liable for prosecution for war crimes. The opposition parties and any Labour MPs with a conscience should not rest until a full public inquiry is delivered. If anybody has committed a crime then they must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
But that being said the prosecuting authorities seem reluctant to prosecute politicians who are in government.
But we watch with interest for developments.
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Avoiding the football
If you are not one of those people who is bothered about whether England can beat Andorra this evening then I have a few film recommendations. At 9pm on E4 we have Tim Burton's Batman. This original vision of the Dark Knight story was excellent. The show was stolen by Jack Nicholson as The Joker but overall it is just great entertainment. At the same time on Film 4 there is Dodgeball. Those who know me would testify to the fact that I think Ben Stiller films are very hit and miss and in my opinion most of them are miss. Dodgeball is one of those rare films that is actually quite good. From 10pm onwards you have a choice of 3 offerings. Mad Max is a film I never really got in to. In fact I once spent a Sunday afternoon at the ABC cinema in Mansfield watching all 3 films back to back and still came out no wiser. On FiverUSA there is Terminator 3 which is possibly the weakest of the films in the Terminator series thus far. I have yet to see Terminator Salvation and will probably wait for it to come out on DVD. Lastly on BBC1 there is Insomnia. It is a good watch although it is probably not a film you will watch again. The performances from Robin Williams & Al Pacino are excellent.
Go Ireland by the way and hope that you beat India in the cricket today.
Tomorrow film wise there are two films to look out for. At 9pm on Virgin1 there is Dark Angel. Nothing to do with the Jessica Alba series but a Dolph Lundgren film in which an alien comes to Earth and wreaks havoc because he likes collecting endorphines. At 10.35 on ITV1 is Total Recall. This is one of those rare films of a Philip K Dick novel that is actually a good film. I have never been a fan of Blade Runner or Minority Report but absolutely love this film. It is rip roaring entertainment that doesn't take itself too seriously. Arnie is, well, Arnie. Ably supported by Sharon Stone, Michael Ironside and Ronny Cox. These two gentlemen are both actors who you will watch probably not knowing who they are but going "I remember him in...". They both play fabulous villains.
Saturday, 6 June 2009
Media update
Since my last set of reviews I have had the chance to see a number of films and read a number of books and added some new music to my burgeoning collection. If you have any sense then avoid The Da Vinci Code. There are better ways to waste two hours - watching paint dry springs to mind. If you want to see a remake of Day of the Dead then just visit any supermarket on a Saturday morning and watch people move around aimlessly as if they have joined the undead.
16 Blocks was a film that I was expecting to be disappointed with largely because of the presence of Mos Def. However, it is an excellent film and well worth the watch. The plot and acting are absorbing and enthralling.
Star Trek was an odd numbered film and so hope was not high but fears were misplaced and it was an excellent film. The only drawback was that I always kept expecting Zachary Quinto who plays Spock to start trying to cut peoples heads open with his finger.
Bookswise I was pleasantly surprised by Runes of the Earth by Stephen Donaldson. I had not particularly liked the second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant.
On TV tomorrow you can look forward to Blues Brothers 2000 ITV4). It is not as good as the original but follows essentially the same plot and is still entertaining. On ITV 2 there are Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure and The Mummy Returns.
Musically recommmendations are Queensryche American Soldier and Heaven & Hell's first studio album.
In sporting news I am now a week into my enhanced fitness regime. I am going to the gym every other day, playing badminton once a week and swimming as well. Tai chi classes are on hold for a couple of months.
Grumble of the week is the Passport Office who required me to fill out an entirely new form because in one section I had forgotten to put my title.
Politics - a very strange business
I suspect that after tomorrow's European election results it would take a miracle of biblical proportions to save the Labour party. Purely on figures in the local elections the Lib Dems finished second to the Tories. Consevative Central Office must be hoping, praying and keeping everything crossed that their glorious leader Dave has no skeletons in his closet or doesn't do anything stupid before the election.
One criticism of Labour is that they have lost touch with real people. From my perspective they were never in touch in the first place. On arrival after their much trumpeted no more sleaze we had Ecclestonegate, Hindujagate to name but two. Our current glorious leader raided the pension funds creating many of the black holes that now engulf them. He sold off the gold reserves. He abolished MIRAS thus attacking middle England and many hard working families. He got the NHS to increase staffing and gave them money to do so. He then increased National Insurance thus taking money back. Then there was the war in Iraq which was illegal, there was the dodgy dossier and the hole cut and paste of an unsourced American student's PhD thesis. No WMD. The way in which they managed to avoid ANY criticism following the Hutton and Butler inquiries.
The complete misjudgement on the Gurkhas.
Then we have the expenses scandal. In this our local MP insisted that she was entirely justified in taking taxpayers money to furnish her London flat. MPs should only be allowed to rent furnished properties and the sooner she is gone along with other MPs the better.
It seems that now 24 hours is a long time on politics. I urge you all to use your vote wisely but in any case at least use it. We need a change of system which allows independently minded MPs of whatever persuasion to buck the control of the whips and to actually give us a parliament of which we can be truly proud.
Saturday, 23 May 2009
Sainsburys, Porsche drivers and other animals
I have also had occasion to use Asda in recent weeks and if Sainsbury's don't get their act together sharpish I will be taking Alison's money up there!! But I did get a degree of satisfaction in smiting a Porsche driver in the car park. I was about to leave when a woman in her 50s driving a Porsche pulled into a parking spot by a parent and child sign. I challenged her and got a mouthful of abuse for my trouble. So I enlisted the three car parl attendants who said that they had told the store to remove the signs because they expected such incidents. I left two of them lying in wait for the gobby Porsche driver.
Oh by the way if you happen to know which 3 year old was responsible for the design of the new car park take their crayons away as their dad clearlt didn't notice their contribution to the design process. Second note to Justin King - disabled people need their car parking spaces CLOSER to the store NOT further away.
It is my birthday next weekend and my battle with the reaper goes ever on. I got my first birthday card today. It was from Matalan. I am waiting with baited breath to see which friends and family remember my impending slide down towards the grave.
I have been watching series 2 of The Wire. I don't think the story is as good as series one but it is still better than most TV. Congratulations to Leinster who won the commentators nightmare final against Leicester.
Thursday, 30 April 2009
Rugby Tours, Marriage Prep and life in general
The hotel was OK but for my money the hotel last year was better. What is continually frustrating is that the hotels take the booking knowing that there is a bunch of young kids coming but make no provision in the sense of the swimming pool for them. This year I didn't travel on the coach. This caused a bit of annoyance in some quarters but Tom and I were quite happy with the arrangement. I drove down instead. I am coming to the conclusion that websites giving directions are about as much use as chocolate fireguards. I still had to resort to accosting a man with a dog and asking him for directions. In fact the directions I had sent me off in completely the wrong direction at one point. However, that aside I was less stressed and was able to have my music blaring out of the speakers as I avoided the large amounts of roadkill on Warwickshire's roads.
One annoyance over the weekend was that an arm dropped off my Wayfarer sunglasses. I had a screw loose apparently ( a line that I used many times and strangely nobody disagreed). On Monday as I was going into work I called in at Rayner's opticians in Huddersfield to see if they could fix the problem. They are about the only optician in Huddersfield left to try as everybody else has annoyed me at some point. The two blonde assistants (it just had to be really) were extremely helpful and set to work fixing my loose screw. When the work was done one turned to the other and said (with a straight face) " Do we charge for a screw and how much?" Her colleague replied "£1". I have to admit to nearly corpsing at this point but managed to retain my dignity and spare the ladies blushes.
As some readers may know, Alison and I are part of the deanery marriage preparation team. The team are currently in a state of mild narkiness with the priests as we set out limits and numbers we could cope with and we have been just ignored. At the last session we got the feedback forms from the couples attending. Two criticisms thrown at the team were that we were pushing the Catholic teaching and we were too gender specific. This midly confused and irritated me. In each couple there was at least one Catholic. They were getting married in a Catholic church and had been to see a Catholic priest about getting married. They were on a marriage preparation course designed by the Catholic church. What were they expecting to get, lectures in how to do it according to the church of the flaming sword of Las Vegas? Also since part of the course focuses on the differences between men and women that is only to be expected. The church's position on the subject hasn't changed in 2 millennia and isn'tlikely to in the next 2.
Well rant over for now. Reviews and photos to come probably next week as Tom has his end of season awards on Sunday. Off to chill out with my tai chi class this evening.
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
So what else do I have to share with you. Well Tom played a rugby match against Rochdale RFU recently. It was the first time I have ever seen punches being thrown such young players. The referee was the chocolate fireguard type who wouldn't have seen anything even if it had happened right in front of him. In fact he was a disgrace. The only more biased demonstration of refereeing I have ever seen was at Sandal RUFC. Despite all this Tom's team won.
Some of you may know that I have recently taken up tai chi. This is my latest bid to actually do something to improve my fitness and battle my ever expanding Yorkshire front. Despite the fact that I haven't eaten any chocolate in 6 months I still haven't actually lost any weight. I haven't put any on though. I was expecting a gentle session in line with all the images you ever see but got a full on workout. Unfortunately my badminton playing days may have gone for a while due to my availability and childcare issues.
So having got through Holy Week I was not looking forward to the Good Friday service. Last year nobody noticed Jenni misbehaving because of the chaos engendered by Fr Vitalis but we couldn't be that lucky two years running. It was Fr Peter this year, he is the university chaplain and a great preacher. He tolerates Jenni far more than I do. During the reading of the Passion he said it would be alright for people to sit down as this was the word of God not an endurance test. Jenni was relatively well behaved and went up for the veneration of the Cross. I was worried when Jenni just stood there and looked at it but she then looked at me looked back at the Cross and bowed toward it and walked off.
On other church related matters the deanery's usual reconciliation service was abandoned for a day of reconciliation this year. There would be priests available all day to hear confessions. When we arrived there was a queue, no surprise there. Unfortunately there was only one priest available. He finished on the dot at 11 am and the people who had come in at the end of the queue jumped to the front without any thought or consideration. But I have come to expect such behaviour from the people of Huddersfield given that it occupies 9th place in the insurance scams league table.
Well coming up are Tom's rugby tour and also I am counting off the days before we go on holiday. Rainy Donegal days await.
Saturday, 21 March 2009
Has summer arrived early?

Monday, 2 February 2009
Winter has arrived

Saturday, 10 January 2009
The week ahead
Friday, 2 January 2009
Happy New Year